Post by kylie on Oct 25, 2011 6:26:30 GMT -5
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=style, background-image:url(; width: 437px; padding-top: 30; padding-bottom: 30;] THE YU-LEE CHEONG EDITION SEVENTEEN , SENIOR , TRANSFERS , SONG AH RI "HELLO THERE. I'M SO GLAD YOU MADE IT HERE TODAY, BUT I'VE SEEM TO FORGOTTEN WHAT YOUR NAME WAS, IT WAS PAT... OR SOMETHING, RIGHT? NO, WELL, WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME IT THEN? FIRST, MIDDLE AND LAST, PLEASE. OH, AND PLEASE DO TELL ME ANY SCRUMPTIOUS NICKNAMES." "Thank you! That's awfully nice of you to welcome me. Although, i'm afraid your terribly wrong about my name, sir and to be honest I have no idea where you got Pat... It's alright, though. My name is a bit hard to remember. My name is Yu-Lee Cheong, actually. Many of my friends call me Yuri because that's what my Teacher introduced me first as but....It's definitely Yu-Lee. The nickname kind of stuck with me, but it doesn't matter anyway. Call me whatever you'd like." "I HAVE TO SAY, THAT'S QUITE A NAME YOU GOT THERE. I DON'T THINK I'VE HEARD IT BEFORE. TELL ME, HAVE YOU ALWAYS LIVED IN PORTLAND OR HAVE YOU COME FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE?" "Really, do you think that? I haven't had much comment about my name; but perhaps it was because many of them weren't American. Oh, and I guess I already gave you a hint that I wasn't born in Portland. Though Portland is lovely, my homeland is South Korea being born in the city Busan. Don't worry, English may not be my first language but I know it perfectly well. If I have kinks though, I apologize." "OH, I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE. HERE, LET'S LIGHTEN UP THE TOPIC A LITTLE BIT. OUT OF ALL OF THE WORDS IN THE WORLD, WHICH FIVE DESCRIBE YOU BEST AND WHY?" "Oh no, that's absolutely fine.... I'm used to it now, or at least I try my best to adapt to it. Your not the only one who's asked this, if it makes you feel more comfortable. Hmm.... And all of them, you say? There are alot of words, but I wonder what will best describe me let me think.... Well, from many people who knew me back at home, thought I was always serious all the time. Of course, education and work are my first priority but that doesn't mean I don't know how to loosen up. I actually am a very creative person, spending my free time drawing or sewing when i'm alone. It's rather fun! You should join me sometime. Oblivious, I don't believe this at all but many say I can't read the atmosphere so well. I always thought I was smart, you know? With such a intelligent & hard-working mind of mine, I just never thought myself as... clueless. Just because it didn't make much sense to me. But then again, maybe that just influences more on the so-called blindness I have..... I am also, usually known to be blunt and thoughtless of what I say. I don't mean to be rude or anything, i'm actually very kind-hearted and generous it's just.... I like to say what I feel and I think some people don't like that, especially here in Portland. Now that I analyze myself, I feel slightly worrisome that I may have let some people down in the past. I do my best to be helpful and welcoming to everyone though, and even if I may not be as eccentric and a bit spacey overall, I think i'm a very good person." "I'M NOT GOING TO LIE. YOU SEEM LIKE QUITE THE CATCH. I'M SURE YOU'RE ALWAYS BUSY, HUH? DO YOU LIKE WATCHING TELEVISION OR KNITTING? WHY DON'T YOU TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF?" "The catch? Hopefully that isn't a bad thing....But I have a feeling it is not, so thank you again. I don't think i'm a busy person. Or at least, I can handle what I do in my daily life. Television is not much of a big interest to me, but yes, like I said before I enjoy knitting very much. I like creating patterns of hats, scarfs, etc; and I may not be as professional it's one of my favorite hobbies. And if this counts as creative, Origami is something I tend to do which gets me sometimes rather in trouble, since I focus too much on it. HERE'S a good example of my Lotus Flower. It's pretty, isn't it? [ credit to me and my friends bahah. (: ] I also have a fascination for sketching scenery and people---honestly, drawing is a bit one of my favorite things to do as well. People say i'm good at what I do, but I don't think i'm much of a expert yet...I want to be a artist, and I know there are many more talented people then me....It's one of my strong loves though, to have pencil and paper in my hand. I just want to do the very best I can to expand this hobby, to something more serious. I need to practice more though. Other then the other hobbies I mentioned, I tend to study, bellet, shop, cook, watch movies, read books, text, spend time with animals, and well.... I have many other things I do, just not as significant. I don't have much that I don't like, but I have a bad time with loudness, reckless behavior, bugs, horrors, messes, physical activities, and careless people. " "YOU SOUND PRETTY FEARLESS, BUT THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING YOU'RE AFRAID OF. ANY JUICY SECRETS?" "I always thought secrets were meant not to be told. But I won't be rude and ignore since you don't look the type to gossip about me. Although I try my best to stay calm, I always feel unnerved when bugs or types of horrific things are around me. I know, these are very common fears that people share. But it seems the most common are things are the most frightening to me. The thought of them.... make me feel very sickly. As for secrets, I don't think it's anything big or anything but.... My Parents. I love them very much, but they are very strict when it comes to my future. They expect me to go in the medicine fields just like them. I have lied for most of the years we moved to America about my career. Always covering up my drawings with random information on nursing, and what-not, they still even now believe that I want to become a Nurse when I graduate. I don't know what i'm suppose to do when this year is over. I don't want to displease my parents. But at the same time, I want to be who I want to be." "DON'T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY, BUT ARE YOU GAY? I MEAN, IT WASN'T SOMETHING YOU SAID OR ANYTHING. I'M JUST A CURIOUS OLD BADGER. UM. WHAT DO YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE? IS THAT BETTER? I GUESS YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO." "Attractive? I find anything with a good-heart attractive. I'm not the one to judge a man or woman over looks, and I may be a bit broad to say this but I like to look inside instead of out. So I suppose you can call me, pansexual." "ALRIGHT, ENOUGH WITH THE HEAVY STUFF. LET'S TALK ABOUT... MUSIC. I THINK YOU MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT POP OR HIP HOP EARLIER. WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LIKE? RAP, COUNTRY, JAZZ? WHAT ARE YOUR TOP FIVE MOST PLAYED SONGS ON ITUNES?" "I like pretty much anything, really. English, or Korean. As long as it has a good beat and rhythm, I will enjoy it. But hold on. Let me get out iPod..." 1. ) QUIET - LIGHTS 2. ) TONIGHT - Jay Park 3. ) I HOPE - FT Island 4. ) WHEN WE FIRST MET - Hellogoodbye 5. ) BABY IT'S FACT - Hellogoodbye "LISTENING TO MUSIC LIKE THAT? YOU'RE SURE TO BE A STAR IN THE NEAR FUTURE. YOU SEEM LIKE A WELL-ROUNDED YOUNG PERSON, MY DEAR. WHERE DO YOU FIND YOURSELF TO BE IN FIVE YEARS FROM NOW?" "Flattering is one of your favorite things to do, isn't it? It brings a smile to my face. Anyway, I think in five years from now I hope for myself to be happy and successful. I wouldn't live in too big of a house, and hopefully I would have a lover of my own to be with....My Omoni always told me I should be a house-wife, and I wouldn't mind that because I could spend my time doing my art, at home as I raise the kids.... Oh, I seem to have drifted off a bit haven't I?" "IF IT MEANS ANYTHING, I'LL BE ROOTING FOR YOU WHEN THE TIME COMES. I'M SURE YOUR PARENTS WILL TOO. SPEAKING OF YOUR PARENTS, WHY DON'T YOU TELL US THEIR NAMES AND WHAT YOU THINK OF THEM! DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS, PETS, OTHER RELATIVES?" "Yes, I want to hope so too. Maybe if I believe more, they will change.... To start off, My Mother's name is Soo-Yun. She is a very kind woman, who like I said worked, in the Nursing business. She left her job though after we moved to America. I was about eight when that happened. As for my Father's name, it's Bon-Hwa. He is....a very strict man, but I know he does it for my own good. Spending all his life in the medical fields, as a surgeon i'm not fazed that he tries so hard for me to be successful, too. I also have one little sister Mi-Hi, who is currently a Junior now in this school. She is very very out-going, and I won't be shocked to hear if you know her already. She's reached people's attention much more then me, but I suppose it's just in her own nature, as it is mine to be not as social...." "OH, I SEE. WELL, WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. WHY DON'T WE WRAP THIS UP WITH YOUR STORY? HOW DID YOU END UP IN PORTLAND, OREGON?" "How terrible. I was actually enjoying these talks with you, you know I didn't know time went so fast. To be honest, I suppose it's the fact that my Parents get tired of a city, and move around alot. Ever since we went to America, I just don't quite get the feeling that my Parents, mostly my Father, are pleased to the cities they choose. Always explaining it's not good enough, or too crowded I haven't had a house yet, that I could call a home. Like i've told you before, they are very over-exaggerated about my education. And though I understand completely, they don't believe where we are is perfect, it is difficult to keep moving place to place. I used to be a very intelligent girl, mind you. Not that I am not a witty one still now, but I wish you could see how my Father was such a extremist when it came to my education back when I was a kid. Being the oldest of my siblings, it was as if I was the star child; the special jewel of the family. And like a jewel, I was suppose to be flawless without a scratch. And perhaps that is what I used to believe, when I was little. Having enough courage to skip my second year of schooling, said enough on how I was worked and influenced so hard on. I may not be the most talkative person even now, however I cannot deny that I used to put work over friends, and education over socialization. I did not have many friends in Korea, besides my childhood one Seo-Hyun. And to be honest, I didn't know exactly who I was when I was little. Knowing nothing but what people tell you to be, and how to be it, I was merely a innocent robot who did what she was told, instead of doing what was true. So you could say, I was happy that we moved out of Korea, and I was happy that we went to America. Of course, I will miss the little friends I had but it was worth staying here since I changed so much. First living in California, it only took months to discover my true desires of wanting to draw....wanting to dream....And especially, not wanting to nurse. I was about nine back then, and I didn't realize it but I was changing; and actually becoming who I wanted to be. I also began to learn English as well, which was not a problem for me since I was still young. After that, nothing really significant happened and thus the cycle of cities began to roll for us. I met friends all around to California, to Colorado and though I was disappointed that each state we left, were simply memories to be un-finished I was still content that I had contact with the ones I stood close to. It was then finally, around when I turned Seventeen had we moved to Portland. And I have a good feeling about this place, too. The new faces, the new opportunities that's waiting for me to take. I just hope that this time, I won't have to leave again and wish for another hope to have a home. [ i did this at 1 am omg, so if i need to edit i will if you want me to. ] ROLEPLAY EXAMPLE (from a pokemon rp, yes, you heard it, kylie is a dork!) Happy autumn mornings, and cold lovely winters were merely years away for White to expect. Times, times they were tough nowadays when it came to the cheerful area of the Unova Region. As a new evil organization that was called Nemesis, swept each and every region they passed, White knew that her homeland was the last to be put in their collection--the last, to finally complete their own pokedex of control. Which, in White's honest mind distressed the very core of her. And even if the city (that she was in right now), of Castelia seemed to boom and buzz like a normal day it did every other time she'd visit, White couldn't stay in the same thought process of ignorant bliss she'd usually do when she would get worried. Because, the girl knew what happened when terror invaded her country. She knew, how so many people's lives were at stake and how they would change so vastly if they became manipulated. Dejected beings, powerful authority that didn't belong to the vicious antagonists. Oh yes, she's heard and read the climax of this fairytale from front to back. But this time, there was not the magical similar fairytale ending that White would find in the chapters simply to the fact, that there wasn't the usual stalwart hero to begin with. Not created, not the savior, not even mentioned at all in the other region's defeat. White had to fend off whatever the forces came against her by herself, and truthfully she was afraid of that. No, not afraid actually, she was worried what was going to happen when they came. She was worried that if she failed, who was she going to disappoint and hurt more. Herself? Her friends? The civilians who looked up to her after all of what she's done? Mind spinning at the thought, and heart aching at the feel, White was moreover stressed at everything with her life. The thoughts, the feelings, and the plans came at her all at once and the girl didn't know what to deal with first. What should I do? Her mind would say, all around her thoughts. Should I be the hero again? Or is this something I cannot stop? However! Despite White's burning apprehension that drove her crazy, today was not the day to worry or sink down in the hole of vexation. Today, she was going to see Black a very close friend that she hadn't seen in a while. Waiting by the water fountain of central Castelia, her smiling Zorua beside herself, the girl took a deep breathe of the long contemplation she had. "I need to stop worrying so much," The Trainer mumbled to herself, setting a hand right into her chest with a sigh. "Everything's going to be fine. I just have to believe myself it will. And anyway i'm going to see Black again, I should be happy! I can't worry too much in front of him. I don't want to worry him enough as he is already..." Resting on the Fountain's edge, the small conversation White had with herself only let another sigh escape from her throat. Arceus, nothing seemed to stop her mind from tantalizing. Catching Black off guard with a call from her Xtransceiver, it was obvious even for White that Black would probably catch onto something. "Black? Black, I haven't talked to you in forever! We should meet somewhere! Oh! I know! How about Castelia City? Central Plaza? Where the Water Fountain is? You know what? We can even get a Casteliacone, and go to the cafes if you want! Like old times. You'll like it, I know you will. We'll definitely do that. It's been so long since we've hanged out together...So your coming, right? 3:00 P.M. usually isn't that busy, so come then and don't be late! I hope everything's been fine with you! - White." The happy tone in her message that she left, was difficult for White not to crack when she hung up. The Unova gang, not seen in forever White had no idea why Black was her first option. With Cheren focusing so hard on his journey, Bianca not wanting to torment her poor heart with her pesters, and N..... White looked down at her feet, swinging them back and forward. Oh well. What's done and done, and like she said she should be happy that she's seeing an old friend. Besides, how can you be happy when your always swirling a thunderstorm right in top of your head? "...And you'll never see a rainbow if your heads always down..." The girl said with another sigh. KYLIE, ONE-TWO YEARS, CAUTIOUS 2.0, I FEEL LIKE DANCING ! |